Thursday, March 13, 2008

Working towards my proposal

Things done...
❒ Topic chosen✔
❒ Working title✔
❒ Methodology chosen - Grounded theory qualitative research method✔
❒ Methods - Focus group and individual semi structured interview✔
❒ 1st draft for proposal - and recieved feedback✔

Things to do now
❒ Research and become familiar with "grounded theory"
❒ 2nd draft of proposal and submit by Tuesday 18th March
❒ Reading around focus groups - what makes a good one
❒ Talk to collegues re: senior vs experienced
❒ Complete ethics application and submit by Tuesday 18th March
❒ Have a discussion with superviser(s) about process of supervision etc

So Far....
I am well on my way in the process towards completing my dissertation - but i realise the hard work and committment cannot stop here - i find it has been really easy to get started as it is all so interesting to me and i really have the motivation to get to the end and have some work to contribute to the NZ body of knowledge!!

So i am at my 2nd of 4 workshops for the year - and i can already see my thinking extend - and i am so amazed with how much support and guidence i am getting. The presentations were great - we had the opportunity to present where we are at and get some discussions going following this. I feel this really helped me answer a few questions that have been lingering in my head e.g. do i actually know what i am aiming to get out of this? and why have i chosen to research this etc.
So i have releccted on my performance of the presentation and from this it was advised to me that i might want to think about wrting a blog about my research process and experiences.

I think this will give me the opportunity to wrtie down what problems i am having, how i have tried to solve these, and prehaps just to reflect on where i have been and where i am now/then...

Time will tell - i guess i could right the things i learn...

THINGS I HAVE LEARNT;From the workshop number 2...

- the superviser/supervisee role and the developement of the relationship
- what an ethics committee is and what they look for in the ethics application for a research project
- Gramma!!! -how to link paragraphs when writing, and the importance of not using whoffly sentances - getting to the point and then saying why
- the structure of a literature review and strategies for writing one
- how "peer review" and just talking about things is so great for putting your ideas together in your mind

Untill next time



Occupational Therapy Otago said...

Whow weren't you quick to get organised:). Great idea and I look forward to seeing how it progresses. I know I find my blog a great place to store my thinking or ideas and to go back and look at issues. Plus when people contribute it can really get you thinking Jackie

Merrolee said...

This is looking great - I too have a blog going for keeping track of my thoughts. Some of my entries are sprinkled through my main blog - and I have a tab on that for EdD studies. Now our second hons school is out of the way I hope to focus my energies back on my own studies!

Just a thought... and only a thought - but if you tagged the entries for the four schools Hons Schools - then I can encourage third year students interested in hons to read your blog along the way to gain better insight into what it might be like - what do you think?

Merrolee said...

Hey Jess
Have linked you into my OT blogs tab now.. check it out
You do have to scroll down aways to get to the student ones!