Sunday, July 20, 2008

Technology set up and data collection process

One of the sessions today in the honours workshop was on recording interviews, the process and follow up.
I had done some thinking and work on this - however i gained a few more ideas and suggestions!

Little things but so vital!
- asking participants to minimise noise for recording (cellphones, jewellery, background noises) - this is so important because participants are likely to be at home where there are many distractions, background noises e.g. family members, computers etc.

-asking participants to have a peice of paper and a pencil (avoid clicking of pens) to jot down thoughts if someone else is speaking in the focus group

-doing a sound check with everyone

- keeping track of if people have answered a questions - however always acknowledge they have talked about the next question and prompt them to say more e.g. "i acknowledge that you mentioned......before... do you have anything else yourd like to add bearing in mind more ideas have been discussed??"

- colour coding papers (e.g. red means end of session; blue means questions etc)

-how to interupt someone - go though processes to ensure they know what is happening

-if you have to stop write down the last 4 words the participant has just said - in order to track back and prompt the participant to gain their thoughts

-what to say if you want someone to clarify what they mean or have not understood at all what they said.. "hmmmmmm is there anything else yourd like to add??"

-maybe instead of asking the participants to not use the name of the new grad (may slip out), ask them to write a name down that starts with the same letter and is the same gender. Then they should write it on paper in front of them to prompt them to use it.

-most importantly trying to get the interaction going within the group, by encouraging participants to comment on what has already been said and add their views, perspeptions or examples.

-lastly to never leave the teleconference/or stop recording untill the last participant has left - just incase they stay on the line and wish to add or just add another vital piece of information.

Another day tomorrow at the honours school - looking forward to it :)

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