Tuesday, August 26, 2008

1st Data collection and transcribing

Talk about busy, my head hurts and im buggard!!!!!

Yesterday i did my first focus group via teleconference - and it was a hit!!!!!!! So enjoyable and i got a great start with lots of interesting data.
The things that im wrapped about is that because i had 4 participants they were saying if they were agreeing with what others were saying and then adding other things as well. This will be great to add into my rigour chapter!!!!
They all had plenty to say and i absolutely no issues with people interupting or butting in. It was really strutured, everyone had there time to talk and boy did they.
Some interesting example - especially around practicing in an occupational focused way - in an acute setting.
A few things suprised me - e.g. how well it flowed - and that everyone could really articulate what they ment. Im so glad that i chose to look at the percpetion of experienced therapists - because im starting to get some really knowledgable stuff coming through already!

8 hours in total to transcripe 1 hour of talking - not too bad. I got better as i went along. My superviser is going to go over it becuase there are a few words and phrases that im not sure i picked up accurately. But i will go over it again. But right now its time for a rest!

There are some lovely examples and the next step once transcription is done - is to cut it all up and start coding! Any thoughts that pop into my head - re: i wonder if its always like that, i wonder if others feel the same - can definilty be things that i ask in the next focus group. This will help rigour as well.

Well i was told this was the exciting part and they were correct about that one!

Time for a rest


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