So i know there is open and axial coding. Im aiming to present the key steps in each type of coding.
So this is what i think...
Open coding
1) Conceptualising data - taking apart each sentance/line/paragraph e.g. what is it saying?, what does it represent?
2) Discovering categories - grouping concepts that seem to pertain to the same phenomenon e.g. like with like
3) Naming categories - define meaning
4) Develop categories - properties and dimensions
................... \
.................\ ...........\......................... Dimentionalised
................. \............\
................ Attributes \
.................................. Characteristics
Doing open coding
a) line by line - focus group/interviews
Good for generating categories early (basis of theoretical sampling)
Single word, phrase, close examination, very generative
b) Sentance paragraph - interviews
Useful when several categories already defined and now you want to code around them.
"What is the major idea brought out in this sentance/paragraph"
Writing code notes
-important for keeping track of initial concepts to refer back to
Techniques to enhance theoretical sensitivity
-use of questioning
-analysis of a word/phrase/sentance (id. important, interesting, significant works & list possible meanings)
-Comparisons - flip flop technique, close in, far out, waving red flag
Axial coding - putting the data back together in "new ways" - using the paradigm model
The Paradigm model
Images from the net..