Sunday, June 8, 2008

A bit of time up my sleeve!

Well over the next few weeks (7 in fact) i have some time to really get going on my dissertation. I handed my ethics application in a month ago so should be hearing back from them soon...hopefully..

In the mean while i am working on
-The plan for how my focus group will be run
-The specific questions that will guide the discussions
-Rigour and trustworthiness strategies that will increase the validity of my findings

And im also doing some exciting stuff (well i think its exciting). Im working out my format and layout of my dissertation doing all the headings and fonts.Learning alot that i never new you could do on microsoft word hehe

So everything is running along that i handed my 4 assignments in today!!! for post grad courses.

Over the next few weeks i should be able to add a posting on "how ethics approval went" - but im told most applications come back needing ammendments. So no stress!!
Oh and i will report my findings re: rigour and how i will enhance the trustworthiness of my study
Got to go and do some reading about rigour..and i have to read my questions again to make sure they wont guide the particpants.

Well all for now


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